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All 3 Audio Pieces Complete!

That's right, I have finally mixed and mastered all my audio/video pieces now. Boy was it a challenge getting the LUFS to hit -23 for all three of them, but I did it!

This has been a busy period for me with college work, I have had other classes on top of my Graded Unit work. So I haven't been updating this blog as much, apologies!

I had essentially just been powering through each of my audio projects, and making sure it all sounded professional. I still think I can do more with my audio pieces, but it is getting to crunch time now for college and it is time to focus on my presentation. I can always go back to my audio pieces afterwards if I so wish.

For now I am going to rehearse my presentation and finish off other college work. I shall upload my audio pieces to my website very soon, I can't wait to show you!

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