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Side Project: Gamejams!

As I wish to become a Sound Designer, I have started doing GameJams in my spare time whenever I can throughout the year. Yesterday I completed the 20 Second Game Jam, with 3 other team members. I was the Sound Designer for this one, and created and sourced multiple sounds for a a pixel minigame platformer. I had alot of fun working with the team who all lived in different parts of the world, and I am very proud of the work we accomplished.

I have completed 3 Gamejams now, and whilst I love doing it and think it is fantastic for networking and improving my skills; I will put it on the backseat for now, and focus on the main bulk of my Professional Development Portfolio and Graded Unit for college. This is to resound 3 video game trailer/clips.

I wish to achieve an A grade marking for it, so it is time to really knuckle down and focus all my attention on this, outwith classes.

Here is a link to my itch gamejam profile with my previous works, feel free to give me a follow! After my main work is complete I will return to being an active player in gamejams again.

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